What is historical abuse?
Historical abuse is also known as non-recent child abuse. Historical abuse refers to abuse an adult experienced as a child or as a young person under the age of 18. As a survivor of abuse, it may take a while to understand and come to terms with what happened. However, it is never too late to seek help and claim compensation for the abuse you have experienced. Regardless of how many times the abuse took place, you could be eligible to claim compensation.
What do I need in order to claim?
The CICA’s traditional time limit for making a claim is two years. However, the CICA does accept historical abuse claims given that the claimant can prove that the abuse took place. Survivors must have reported the crime to the police and obtained a police crime reference number. The police crime reference number is given to you when you reported the crime. Even if you reported the abuse a long time ago, if you have a crime reference number it is still valid. If you can’t find your crime reference number, you can call 101 and speak to your local police authority to see if they can locate your records. Alternatively, get in touch with us here at Abuse Claims UK and we will advise you on how to proceed.
Types of Historical Abuse
Neglect is the persistent failure to adequately provide for a child. This could be through emotional neglect (lack of love, care, and support) or physical neglect (depriving the child of food, proper shelter, and clean clothing or health care). Neglect can endanger children and young people and it can also have long-term effects on their physical and mental well-being. If you suffered from neglect as a child or as a young person under the age of 18, you may be eligible to make a historical abuse claim.
Child sexual abuse
Child sexual abuse is a form of child abuse that involves perpetrators engaging in sexual activity with minors. In most cases, children are too young to understand what is happening to them or to understand that it is wrong. No child can ever consent to any type of sexual activity. Abusers strive to establish a connection with children either online (grooming) or in person. The objective is to make physical contact with a child (touching them or using a body part to rape or penetrate a child). Child sexual abuse can have a devastating, long-lasting effect on survivors continuing well into adulthood. It can take years for survivors of child sexual abuse to understand what has happened to them. For this reason, the CICA accepts claims past the standard two-year time limit.
Physical abuse
This form of abuse involves causing deliberate harm to a child or young person. Physical abuse can include hitting with hands or objects, kicking, shaking, burning, intending to break bones, or drowning a child. Physical abuse can leave survivors with permanent physical damage as well as long-lasting mental health issues. If you were subject to physical abuse as a child or young person, you could be eligible for historical abuse compensation.
How much can I claim?
Typical sexual abuse compensation will range between £1,000 and £44,000. When it comes to historical abuse, you could receive between £6,000 and £22,000. The higher compensation payouts are awarded to those who have experienced traumatic and repetitive abuse than lasted for more than 3 years. To find out more about compensation awards, get in touch with our solicitors here at Abuse Claims UK.
How we can help
If you were affected by abuse as a child or young person, you could be eligible for compensation. Here at Abuse Claims UK, this is something we can help you with. If you decide to claim for the abuse you experienced as a child, please get in touch with our team of dedicated, experienced solicitors at [email protected].